He's Alive! Our Savior is Alive!
The tomb is empty - He is Risen, Just like He said He would...
We serve a RISEN Savior!
Blessed be the Name of the Lord!
The morning started with the church watching a clip from 'The Passion' during Bible Training. Prayer and Praise for our Risen Savior followed at the start of the 10am service - the Worship Team ministered, the Mass Choir ministered and the Youth Choir ministered. The church was 'spiritually charged' and people were dancing, jumping, praising, singing, shouting, crying and so much more...
Then the Lord spoke to us through the Word: "Because of Jesus, We do Not Have to Be." He has done it all for us, taken our griefs, taken our sorrows, taken our transgressions, taken our iniquities, healed us from all infirmities...