Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mother's Day - 2009

"Follow A Godly Mother"
To be a Mother is to sow a seed of love, then watch it grow

Lord, We thank You for the Mothers You have placed in our lives
We pray in one accord that You would help us to properly honor them
Help us to receive the love that they have for us and are so willing to give
Help us to learn from their wisdom and selflessness;
To become beacon of light to all around us

Today, we want to thank You for the Godly Mothers that we can follow
We ask You to continue to bless them, comfort them, strengthen them
Provide all that they need, Let them remember Your promises
That You will never leave them nor forsake them

And those of us that are soon-to-be mothers, bless Your Name
We praise You for our motherly examples
Prepare us, pour into us, use us for our generation
Like the women in the Bible; Naomi, Hannah, Mary...
We want to be women that leave a mark on our generation for You O Lord
We want to be mothers who train our children in Your statutes
We want to bring honor to Your Name
We desire to be pleasing in Your sight Lord Jesus

We thank You for hearing and answering our prayers
In Jesus' Name we pray

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